
Flavel Forever

Dear Flavel Friends and Supporters,                                                  



Twenty years ago, we were part of a determined and enthusiastic group which founded the Flavel Arts and Community Centre. Our vision was to provide a centre in the heart of our community so that residents and visitors could enjoy high quality entertainment, a library, café and a meeting place for local groups. For the last 20 years we have provided this service week on week, throughout the year. The successful purpose-built home for The Flavel is considered an essential part of Dartmouth community life with its provision of high quality and varied programmes that entertain, educate, and connect people, in what is a geographically isolated town.


Our position is a charity with no support from government or local council. All charities are experiencing challenging times, now and in recent years, and The Flavel is not alone in facing financial difficulties. Grants, once readily available, that supported smaller venues like our own have been focussed elsewhere. Our customer base is affected by the societal changes brought about by Covid, austerity, global uncertainty and how we now access entertainment through streaming.


It is urgent now to future proof The Flavel for the next generation; we owe that to them. The building needs to be more contemporary and accessible. We also face the consequences of 20 years of regular use in terms of upkeep and a legacy of old equipment and facilities.

We are kindly asking you to support us by either £150 a year for the next five years or £15 a month for the same period to the Flavel Forever Supporters Fund. This is the equivalent of a cup of coffee a week and if we reach our target of 500 of you giving us this support, we will together ensure that the Flavel continues to be here for ourselves and the next generation. Flavel Forever Supporters will be entered into a monthly draw for a prize and invited to our annual Flavel Forever Supporters Party, among other initiatives being developed.

We are confident that the Trustee Board have an ambitious plan to prepare for the future and you will soon hear about these projects such as installing solar panels to reduce energy costs and help us towards reaching net zero targets, growing the Café area footprint to give greater access to this well used area, and attract new audiences whilst retaining all that is good, to this community space.

To donate:

A regular Standing Order for £15/month or £150/year (Flavel Centre Trust. Account Number: 33008523 Sort code: 52- 30-20  Ref: Your Full Name –FLAVEL FOREVER)

A donation form can also be downloaded here : Form Download

We would be most grateful for your kind support and invite you to complete the form below and join Flavel Forever.

Yours sincerely

RAY Bridges and  JOHN Mitchell. ( Flavel Founders)