
The Flavel Trust

The Flavel is the commonly used name of the “Flavel Centre Trust”, a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. The Flavel Centre Trust owns and manages the freehold land and buildings in which The Flavel operates.

The Aims of the Trust are:

The Board of Trustees consists of the following:

Ann Green

Chair of the Flavel Trustees

The arts have the potential for us to appreciate different perspectives and allows us to be curious, challenged and of course, entertained. I enjoy a range of arts including live music, literature, film, comedy and opera. I am an advocate for inclusive access to the arts which embraces diversity.

Before retiring from my role as an academic, my role included public engagement in science through events like comedy and dance. I am a Trustee of PPEF, a physiotherapy research charity and continue as an honorary fellow of the Coaching Academy at Coventry University,

Within Dartmouth, I am a member of Dartmouth Yacht Club, U3A, Dartmouth Golf Club, Friend and volunteer for the Flavel and enjoy walking, sailing, reading and cooking for friends.  As a Trustee, I will be focusing on sponsorship support and fundraising. I am active on Twitter @AnnSusanGreen and welcome engagement about the Flavel.

Awaiting image

Paul Sterry


Awaiting bio

Ian McCall

Frances Davidson

I moved to Dartmouth in 2013 after living in London for 40 years, training and then working as a Doctor. I retired from inner city General Practice after 30 years supporting a very diverse population in South East London.  I was particularly involved with Child Health and Safeguarding and became Chairperson of Home Start Lambeth, a voluntary organisation training volunteers to befriend and support families with young children in difficulty. I am married with 3 adult children and currently 4 grandchildren.

An important element to our decision to move to Dartmouth was the presence of the Flavel Centre providing an alternative to the widely available Arts and Theatre opportunities in London. How lucky we are to have this facility in such beautiful surroundings. It seemed important to support the Flavel, initially and currently as a volunteer and then as a Trustee since 2018.

As a Trustee I have been involved in Volunteer issues and currently am part of the Fundraising Team and the Trustee Recruitment group.

Lindsay Ellwood

My background is in education. For a large part of my career, I was living and working in The Netherlands with my husband, John. After teaching for a few years in an international school, I moved to teaching adults, and taught in a number of institutes in the Netherlands. 

Eventually, I set up my own business, providing bespoke language courses for business people, diplomats etc. who were working in the international community.

Since moving to Dartmouth, I have been working in various charitable organisations, and I am currently a Director of Dartmouth Mayflower.

I am passionate about the Arts and was keen to get involved with the running of the Flavel, which is a wonderful arts centre, community hub and valuable asset for the town.

Since becoming a Flavel Trustee, I have undertaken a variety of roles, and am now responsible for Fundraising and Trustee Recruitment.

Andrew Dalton

I have lived in Dartmouth since 2020 and started volunteering at The Flavel in the spring of 2021. I moved from Oxfordshire with my wife Sally and chose Dartmouth due to its winning combination of coastal location, year-round community and great amenities such as the Flavel!

I have an IT and Project Management background and have led a variety of projects including Thornton’s chocolates, programming industrial robots, medical research systems and many commercial systems and websites.

I’ve found volunteering at the Flavel is a great way to give back to the community, meet people and to employ your experience and skills. I’m currently involved in projects relating to sponsorship, IT systems and the website.

My other interests (beyond the arts) are cooking, keeping fit, pottery and photography.

Kingsley Raffael
Company Secretary

My wife and our dog relocated to Dartmouth at the start of 2022 having had a holiday home here for some years. Since moving we have been very lucky to have created a fantastic home and made some really good friends in this fantastic town.

My background is quite diverse to say the least and currently co own two recruitment companies specialising in the Legal & Pensions industry employing 7 staff. Previous to this I was part owner of three 1940's Tearooms in Cities in East Anglia.

I wanted to always work with the Flavel as I see it as a real focal point of the town that has the opportunity to offer so much to both residents and holiday makers alike.

My role is Company Secretary, but naturally I have a keen interest in working with the Café team and management as they continue to offer the very best fresh and homemade food and cakes!

Outside of work... I enjoy spending valuable time with my wife and we will often be seen walking Truffle on many of the local walks as long as it has a pub on route!

                                                                    Trevor Wills

I moved to Dartmouth 2 years ago having previously been in Totnes for about twelve years. I work at the University of Plymouth as their Director of Estates & Facilities.

I am a Chartered Surveyor having previously worked in two other universities as well as undertaking a similar role in the NHS, the commercial sector and for a national charity. Allied to my professional interests, I am Chair of the University Design Forum which is a national charity promoting excellence and best practice throughout the built environment and its surroundings.

 I am also a board member of the Plymouth City Centre Company business improvement district.

This area of south Devon has both a beautiful landscape and spectacular coastline. Dartmouth in particular is a gem and I am conscious of how fortunate I am to live here.

The Flavel is at the heart of the community in terms of its physical location and presence. It acts as a cultural hub for people of all ages and I love the buzz around the place when there’s an event going on. I have a passion for the arts – film and music in particular. Among my interests, I play in a Devon-based band that takes much of its influence from places like Nashville!

                                                                    Paul Smith

As I look back on my career and life, it has been very much about connections, diversity, and the power of working together. This was largely more to do with the human world and the impact of culture. My latest assignment working as MD for The Eden Project, gave me the opportunity to gain a greater understanding in highlighting the value of changing how we all think about, feel towards, and relate to embodying a shift towards nature connections.

A great analogy of both of these is a tree; its branches are the people that feed, sustain, generate legacy and enrich the culture, its trunk, the organisational structures that shape and protect what we do, and moves energy throughout the organisation; Its roots anchor, stabilise and provide the values and principles that nourish the organisation, and finally The Soil, this feeds the tree and helps it communicate, the soil is the enrichment of community and networks that we are part of. The Flavel is Dartmouth’s tree.

I have enjoyed my career working UK and internationally as CEO, MD, etc, in many countries mainly in the F&B, Restaurant and Retail businesses. During this time mentoring and as a qualified coach growing young people, supporting female leadership, and developing strategy to engage organisations with their customers and communities. I happily live in Dartmouth with my wife Amelia.

                                                                    James Dodd

                                                                           Ian Downing 

Treasurer and Portfolio holder for Bar and Café

My relocation from Cambridge to Devon took place 13 years ago, but initially to run a B&B in Lynton, North Devon.  It was the difficulty of sailing on the Bristol Channel that brought me down to the Dart, there’s always water in the river and currents only run at 2 knots!  But the offering of a wonderful arts and community centre at the Flavel helped influence the move into the town in 2022.

Having started life as a schoolteacher encouraging groups of challenging young people when teaching special needs groups in ordinary comprehensive schools, taking opportunities out of school to develop self esteem and try to build confidence and sociability, I then worked at a residential outdoor education centre at Graham Water in the flat lands of Cambridgeshire.  The large lake, as well as the climbing towers in the grounds and bike track around the lake offered great opportunities for adventure.  After being a teaching deputy for 10 years, I was given the role of Head of Centre, where the interesting challenge of running a cost neutral business unit within the county council allowed me to hone my skills of operating something that was not core business for the county council but provided a wonderful community environment for a whole range of activities, adventurous, musical, cultural.  I was lucky enough to be able to build strong relationships with elected council members and senior officers to manage a substantial budget of earned revenue and then attract significant funding to increase the size of the operation.  Skills I hope to be able to use to helping the team look after and grow our Flavel.


The Board of Trustees meets five or six times annually. A Management Committee drawn from Trustees and staff meets monthly to guide and oversee the operation of The Flavel. Other committees are set up as required.

The Trust welcomes the views of the community and always seeks to renew the membership (max. 12) of the trustee board.

If you would like to be considered as a potential trustee, please contact at The Flavel.

The Trust’s registered office is: The Flavel, Flavel Place, Dartmouth, Devon TQ6 9ND.

To contact the Trustees, please phone us at 01803 839530

Company Registration Number 3901677

Registered Charity Number 1082208

VAT registered number 768 8672 56